In June 2009, it was with great pleasure that I judged at the Lowchen & Griffons Club Show in the Czech Republic. I judged the Lowchens, The Griffons Belges and the Griffons Bruxellois while my co-judge, Hans Bierwolf from Austria judged the Petits Brabancons.

We later jointly chose the BIS amongst the three Griffons varieties.

BIS : the belge, CH. Balbina Valis Bohemia


Belge BOB & BOS (Corneto z Pisecke Brany)


Bruxellois BOB (Chelsea Prima Grichia) & BOS (CH. Beauview Bar The Hat At Ilkleymoor)


BOB Brabancon judged by my colleague, Hans Bierwolf

Ilkleymoor Just Me




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Last modified: May 04, 2010